
Personal support in different languages.

We have been buying, selling, and dealing with real estate property in the region for more than 25 years. Thanks to this long experience, we know exactly what is important to our clients and how we can provide them with the best service possible.

Personal support is the be-all and end-all in real estate sales. Concerning your property or your enquiry you have every right to feel in good hands with your real estate agent.

Communication is the key here. Too often it can happen that you do not feel properly understood by your counterpart, or that you are not able to express your wishes in the way you would like to.

Therefore we offer all our information also in English, French, and Greek. Inquiries in the corresponding language are also possible. This allows us to provide exactly what you need.For further information, please contact Ms. Angelika Ludwig free of charge and without obligation. We are looking forward to a great relationship!

For a precise market value, your property can be assessed by one of our experienced real estate professionals.


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